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Family Memorabilia

You have worked on your genealogy for years. Even documented it back to the 1700s! (Way to go!) But who gets the information and the documented proof if you don’t leave a will?

You have precious documents preserved from long ago ancestors. Who gets them when you’re gone?

You have the prized table built by your 2nd great grandfather. Who gets it when you’re gone?

You have the daybook that your 3rd great grandfather wrote in every day. Who gets it when you’re gone?

What of the baptismal gown? Or the piano? Or the photo albums? Who gets these items?

Without a will most families will do one of two things. One option is to put numbers on the items, then hold a drawing. Or, some families start a bonfire in the yard and just start hauling stuff to the fire. Neither of these options is welcome to most people.

Please, I hope you’ll consider a 3rd option. Create a will telling your family who gets which item. And please, write a separate sheet with the provenance of each item. Tuck these sheets in with the will. You can have those who have the same love of history as you do receive these precious items.  I realize how much time this effort might take.

What have you done to preserve your family history and its memorabilia? My next post will discuss preservation ideas for your memorabilia. If you have specific questions please let me know! I happen to know a couple of generous archivists to help with those questions you might have.

If you’ve lost touch with that favorite niece or nephew, contact me, I can help with that!