These siblings are looking for an older brother born in 1963 and given up for adoption.
Sisters looking for an older sister born October 17, 1945 in Manchester, England.
New York couple looking for their triplets adopted in Kansas in 1972.
Adoption Law:
Adoption laws are changing in Illinois for Birth Grandparents.
Other Reunion stories:
James Beavers, Vietnam veteran died alone. Sara Allen, the genealogy librarian at the Allen County Public Library did a bit of work to locate this man’s family. The funeral turnout was outstanding.
Pennsylvania women discover they’re sisters after 70 years. What a gift to receive.
Eyes Wide Open: Found a half-brother when he did a DNA test at 23andMe.
My Philomena. A search for a birth mother discovered she had died but had tried desperately to find him.
Korean families separated for more than 60 years are reunited.
Reunion stories need to be shared. There are many out there looking to find lost relatives. There are many out there who have found their lost relatives. There are those who are looking to reunite a specific item to its original family. I want to dedicate Monday’s to reunion stories of any kind. If you find a story you think I should include, please forward it to me at: Leslie@LawsonResearch.net.