Looking for missing family member:
Looking for birth mother. Daughter born 27 November 1988 in St. George, Utah.
Looking for birth parents. Daughter born 28 January 1992 in Logan, Utah. Mother Samoan, father African American. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153230115378541&set=p.10153230115378541&type=3&theater
New Australian TV Show reunites long lost relatives http://www.gouldgenealogy.com/2015/09/new-australian-tv-show-reunites-long-lost-relatives/
Adoption Law:
Colorado: After decades, Colorado adoptees can see their birth records http://www.9news.com/story/news/local/2016/01/03/colorado-birth-records-for-adoptees-application/78238494/
Other Reunion stories:
Auschwitz prisoner No. A7733 finally finds his family.
Mystery of the missing grandma solved 76 years after she abandoned her family.
Sisters separated for 50 years have been reunited.
Welsh dad discovers secret royal family history.
Orphaned sisters separated for 40 years miraculously reunite as co-workers.
Special Items Found:
Photos drawn in 1947, husband and wife (it appears). Photos found in attic of home on Stedman Drive in Petersburg, Virginia. http://www.progress-index.com/article/20160102/NEWS/160109984
Seeking rightful owner of mystery photos dating back to 1940s
Reunion stories need to be shared. There are many out there looking to find lost relatives. There are many out there who have found their lost relatives. There are those who are looking to reunite a specific item to its original family. I want to dedicate Monday’s to reunion stories of any kind. If you find a story you think I should include, please forward it to me at: Leslie@LawsonResearch.net.