A distant cousin found this photo of my great grandfather, William Wallace Brinkley, fondly referred to in my family as W.W. Brinkley. He’s the one on the horse. It was obviously roundup time – and gauging from how young he looks in this photo (now that I can see his face) – it was taken in Appanoose County, Iowa. And since the cousin is living close to there, I’m going with that place.
Do you have photos fading into oblivion? Thanks to social networking I knew just who to reach out to when I saw this photo. My Facebook friend, Janine Smith. Her page is here: http://landailyn.com/ [You can find her here on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Landailyn?fref=ts]. I scanned the photo, sent it to her, and the next day she had worked her magic on W.W. Brinkley. I am more than thrilled with the results! I highly recommend her. She works quickly at a fair price.