“My God, that’s Kimberly!”
This fellow died on the beach in Australia on 1 December 1948. The body has been unidentified now for almost seven decades. One hopes that they are able to disinter the body and get a DNA sample to help science to positively identify the man. We have the skills now to help identify him.
“DNA Just Tied a Mystery Death in Australia to Thomas Jefferson”
Have you done your medical family tree? It can make a difference. You should have this done to help guide you and your doctor in your personal care. I have written about this before. I am currently creating a medical family tree for two clients going back 4 generations on every line. We can now see which lines hold cancer (and what kinds); which lines have known alcoholism; and which lines have long lives.
Family Health History
Family history can link ovarian, breast cancers
Knowing is not enough: CDC