There are always many questions to consider when adoptees start the search for birth parents. If you are starting your search perhaps you have these same questions as well.
Do you need to know where to turn next? [Keep reading.]
Do you already have your non-identifying information? [If not, order it.]
Have you already interviewed your older family members about when you joined the family? [If you have done this have questions and answers recorded in your journal. If you haven’t done this step plan to do so ASAP. Memories fade with the years.]
Have you created a journal where you record every detail of information you locate? [Record every detail. You never know what the clue is that will help you find the birth parents.]
Have you sent a letter to the facility that you were adopted through? Have you let them know you want contact with your birth family and asked for medical information? [The birth parent might have sent a letter to let the facility letting them know that they want contact with you.]
How can you get the attention you need by letting others know you’re seeking your birth parents? [Social media is key these days.]
Have you tested your DNA with the big three? Ancestry.com, FamilyTree DNA (ftDNA) and 23andMe.
Once you have tested and have results you need to upload your raw test results to GedMatch.
Where can you learn more? http://adoptiondna.blogspot.com/p/recommended-tests.html
This site also discusses the DNA testing sites and includes links.
Help Understanding the DNA Results
Facebook: DNA Detectives group. At this writing it has 15,585 members. Once admitted to this group take the time to review the many files available for download (Files tab). There is a wealth of information here.
Search Angels:
Learning More About DNA
Have you begun to build your family tree either in Ancestry or on your personal computer? [As the results roll in you’ll need a place to compile your search results.]
As this post was being prepared the Southern California Genealogical Society announced signup availability for their DNA day program ($99). The entire day is available via live feed that will be recorded and available to view until July 5th, 2016. http://streaming.webcastandbeyond.com/scgs/
Our ancestors were adopted as well. DNA will help you locate the family lines. It will take work on your part.
Further reading:
Adoptee Research Using DNA: https://goo.gl/zK0FKc [This article also includes links to those who do these searches professionally.]
DNA Online Class: Enhance your skills so that you can analyze the DNA test results. This class was most helpful to me when I was learning more about how to analyze my test results. https://lawsonresearch.wpengine.com/blog/dna-online-class
Your Family Health History: https://goo.gl/LpEijj
Donation for a DNA kit:
If you would like to contribute towards a DNA kit for a person in need, contributions can be made through PayPal using the email address Kits@TheDNADetectives.com or by clicking on this link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr…. If you have questions about the program, or would like to donate a kit you have on hand or purchase kits to donate, please contact us at Kits@TheDNADetectives.com
Trace Your Roots with DNA by Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak
Finding Family: My Search for Roots and the Secrets in My DNA by Richard Hill
Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond by Emily D. Aulicino
Referral sites:
Dropbox: http://goo.gl/Ub8v5z
Full disclosure: If you use this link to register for Dropbox, you get an extra 500mb and so do I! I like free space and I love that my stuff is always backed up and safe!